Terms of service
We suggest you login at least 15 minutes before a class and make yourself comfortable enough to use the platform. You must be on time-access to classes will be blocked after teaching begins.
To receive credit for the class-your camera must be on the entire duration of the class. You must be in a space conducive to learning and an ID may be required. You will not receive credit for a class if you are driving or distracting other students. We suggest you have a back-up in case of connection issues. For instance, you can login from your desktop and if it fails login from a laptop or phone.
Be sure your license number is correct at the time of registration. This will prevent reporting delays to the Real Estate Commission.
Your sign in sheet is in electronic format-you will not receive a certificate until we receive your signed copy of the sign in sheet and course evaluation has been completed. Course completion reporting will be done within 14 days.
Request a refund no later than 3:00pm at least two (2) business days before the course. A $10.00 refund processing fee applies. No refunds will be issued thereafter. There are no refunds or transfers to other classes for missed classes.
Any questions, please email us at enrollment@dlitraining.com or call or text us at 3016150906.